Ruby Throated Hummingbird male c. James Sawusch |
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds in Lieu of Lace Knitting
The Ruby Throated Hummingbirds have discovered our feeder. They clearly prefer the homemade sugar water from the store bought red sugar liquid which includes preservatives. I have taken a break from extensive knitting -- not by choice. Somehow my right shoulder / side is again triggering pain. Not lethal, but very annoying. Not only is it quite uncomfortable to knit - but I find my concentration wanes. That was clear when I realized how 'off' my test swatch had become for the lace border on my Solanum Shawl.
Solanum Shawl Progress Update
I finished a swatch of several repeats of Diana Rozenshteyn's Solanum Shawl pattern border lace in mid July 2016. Washed and blocked it was clear that I had made somewhat of a mess of the pattern. I cast on the shawl body 17 Jul 2016. The body is stockinette with increases until the lace border. My goal will be able to knit without significant pain. I'm not there yet -- but have reached row 64 of the shawl body. I am using yarn purchased from ColourMart : Lambswool/Silk 2/9nm fingering wt. (Rennie Castle)
Solanum Shawl Test Swatch |