11 June 2010

Shoulder Bootcamp

One handed typing is a challenge. This past Monday 6/7/2010 I had shoulder surgery. The goal is getting back range of motion and reducing pain. Today I reported for the first day of physical therapy. I have a short window of time to rehab the shoulder to prevent it from locking up again. I'm in Shoulder Bootcamp. I have a schedule of physical rehab activities for home, 3-5 times a day, and a visit to PT 4 days a week. Yes, I get one weekday off. I'm too young to not be able to use my arms if there are other options. I chose Shoulder Bootcamp. 

This is not the first round of physical therapy on this shoulder. However this venue is different. Before I was almost the youngest person in the room. Today the room was full of twenty somethings or younger nursing knees. Note to self: find some decent looking exercise clothing. The bag lady look is SO yesterday.

02 June 2010

Gustav Vigeland Sculptures and Life

I have not visited Oslo yet. The rest of my family went years ago. It was life altering for them to discover the Gustav Vigeland sculptures there. I knew from their stories that pictures, images do not convey the scale and intensity.  For just a taste see this website:

Gustav Vigeland (1869-1943) is a Norwegian sculptor whose work portrays the full range of the human life cycle and the wonderful diversity of intimate relationships among men, women and children of all ages—truly the family of humankind.