19 May 2010

Surviving Orchid needs police protection in UK

Reported by John Platt in Scientific American online here, a single flowering plant of the terrestrial lady slipper orchid Cypripedium calceolus still lives in the wild in Lancashire UK.
The plant is under police protection. The plant is reported to be 100 yrs. old.

I would love to see an orchid living wild here in N. America. Orchids truly are survivor plants.

08 May 2010

Dendrobium fibriatum

Dendrobium fibriatum, originally uploaded by asawusch.
I was amazed that this species dendrobium bloomed for me as late as 2009. I loved the frilly lip and the dark 'eye'. You can't see from this photo but it was growing on a teak crate. It really wanted to be hanging from a tree somewhere warm. The beauty of orchids that are not 'orchid color'. Yes. I miss these guys. But my current location just isn't what they need.